The current IRS mileage rate is 67¢ per mile. Reimbursement will be at the rate of the least expensive travel option (airfare or driving), unless prior approval is received by the Rep Council. The maximum daily meal allowance is $90 including beverages and tips. Tips for portage and housekeeping are not to exceed $8 per day. ExpensesPlease provide details about each reimbursed expense. Click the (+) sign on the right to add additional lines.Please provide details about each reimbursed expense. Click the (+) sign on the right to add additional lines.DateCategoryDescriptionAmount MileageLodgingTransportationParking/TollsTipsBreakfastLunchDinnerConference RegistrationOther Total Disbursement Amount*Please attach any/all receipt(s)* Receipts must be legible when submitted to be reimbursed. Drop files here or Select files Max. file size: 128 MB. Reimbursement Request DetailsDate* MM slash DD slash YYYY Name, Vendor, Committee, etc for Reimbursement*Can you receive reimbursement electronically via Zelle?*Select OneYes, I can receive Zelle paymentsNo, I cannot receive Zelle paymentsPlease provide the email address or phone number associated with your Zelle account.*Address for Reimbursement Check* Street Address Address Line 2 City State / Province / Region ZIP / Postal Code Submitted By* First Last Email* Phone*CAPTCHA*All information will be verified by the association President and Treasurer prior to issuing a reimbursement.PhoneThis field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.