NOCUT Leadership and Contacts
The NOCUT Board of Directors is elected from members at large from the associated chapters of the UniServ. Membership and candidacy for a board position is open to anyone within the five represented chapters. The primary purpose of the Board of Directors to guide the direction and policy of the UniServ in a fashion that is both representative of CTA/NEA, and beneficial for each of the member UniServ chapters. Below you will find the contact information for both the NOCUT office staff, who assists the NOCUT Board in their day-to-day business, as well as our elected officers.
Office Staff
CTA Uniserv Staff: Jim Rogers- Ext. 6
Office Staff: Matthew Virden - Ext. 7
Office Staff: Patty Canal - Ext. 8
Governance Contacts
President: Darlene Naslund, FETA
Vice President: Glenda Bartell, BOTA
Secretary: Amanda Gieser, FSTO
Treasurer: Bellerieve Dean, FSTO